Since joining DBS in 2009, Paul has been leading a series of bank-wide transformation programs across operational excellence, customer experience, IT, innovation and digitalisation. He is also the COO for Technology and Operations which includes the real estate, procurement and operational risk portfolios.

Prior to DBS, Paul worked for Standard Chartered Bank, JP Morgan and IBM in a series of senior roles across Technology, Operations and Transformation.


Paul is a Fellow of the Institution of Banking and Finance in Singapore and the chair of the Financial IT Academy advisory board.

Paul is currently a mentor for start-ups going throught the StartUp Bootcamp accelerator. He is a regular speaker at customer experience and innovation conferences. His work at DBS has appeared in a number of case studies.

aul holds a first class honours degree in Civil Engineering from Aston University in UK.

The story of how DBS went from bottom to top of customer experience over the past 5 years by implementing a unique brand of Asian Service and how DBS discovered that being top is not good enough and what they are doing to fight back against digital competition.